Summer Comes To a Close

Fall rhythms are starting to pick back up again, as students prepare to return to Vermillion for another semester. But before we get ahead of ourselves with everything up this Fall, we gotta take time to celebrate everything God has done as our summer is finally coming to a close!

Community Worship Night

We hosted our third and final summer worship night at Prentis Park on July 19! It was our best attended of the three, with around 40-50 community members in attendance. We also had a full band, made up of three Resilient members and two Hillside Church members. It was an amazing time worshiping our Savior! (Not to mention how a severe thunderstorm barelyskirted around us during the event!

Community Block Party

And we ended our summer hosting our biggest outreach event to date with our Community Block Party! On Saturday, August 5, we served somewhere between 150-175 of our community members with free lunch, inflatables, face painting, music, yard games, and a whole lot of fellowship. We got to meet so many people we had never seen before, all while providing something for families to do before kids go back to school. It was an amazing success, and we’re thrilled to do it again next year!

Resilient Church Merch!

Something that’s not near as mission critical but equally as fun is we have Resilient Church Merch! Click the button below to access our online store, so you can rep your favorite Vermillion church plant!

Prayer Requests & Upcoming Events

  • Students are returning! Freshman are moving in this week, as well as the rest of the student body. Elementary and high school students are also starting back up with the Vermillion School District this week as well! Pray for protection and safety—especially for the mental health of everyone making these new transitions, as it can be a very daunting experience.

  • We’re celebrating our 1-year birthday on Sunday, August 27th! This is going to be an amazing Sunday celebrating everything God has done in our first year, while casting the vision for who we are as a church body and what getting involved looks like. And of course there’ll be pizza to celebrate afterwards 😊

  • We’re also starting small group signups this month! Pray that we see a record number of small groups that we’re able to host, as well as great turnouts for signups, as people commit to these small communities for discipleship and growth in christlikeness.

  • Finally, pray for our sermon series over Mental Health that we’ll be doing in September. This is a topic that’s incredibly important for so many people right now—especially students. In fact, we’re planning on sending out 2500 mailers to our community promoting this series, because we believe in the power behind it. Pray for the Lord to move in mighty ways during this upcoming series, and that people can find the freedom from the war in their minds.

That’s everything for this month! Thanks for your continued advocacy, prayers, and support 😊 We love you all!

– Jake


Resilient Turns 1!


Washing Cars in the Name of Jesus // July ‘23 Update